Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find answers to questions asked by our residents. Please contact us with any unanswered questions you may have as a resident of The Meadows.

Frequently Asked Questions
Which changes has Stropiq Meadows Partners made to the CCRs?
The original CCRs date back to 2013 and were drafted by the original developer. After Stropiq Meadows Partners purchased 70 vacant lots in The Meadows, these original CCRs were amended once, in April 2018. The reason was to better reflect the character of The Meadows as the nicest neighborhood and to clarify some provisions. You can see the summary of changes made in this Letter to the residents.
When and where are the HOA meetings?
While The Meadows remains in the development period, as defined in the CCRs (available on the website for download) The Meadows Development Homeowners Association (the HOA) exists as a legal entity but the only member is the declarant, Stropiq Meadows Partners LP. When the neighborhood has been built out, ownership of the HOA will pass to the residents, who can then decide on a meeting schedule.
How are decisions about improvements made at the HOA?
Management of Stropiq Meadows Partners LP is responsible for management of the HOA. The only significant improvement made since mid-2017, when Stropiq Meadows Partners acquired the 66 vacant lots held by the original developer, is completion of the private road for residents to Eagle Ridge Golf Course. Proposals are welcome, but no additional improvements are currently being considered.
How do we know what is being done by the HOA?
Ideally by email. If you are a resident and are not receiving the newsletter, please send your details to [email protected] .
How will unpaid dues be collected?
The collection process for unpaid dues is described in detail in the CCRs. In summary, after a reminder is sent by registered mail, the resident not paying has the opportunity for a hearing before the HOA. Next, the HOA is entitled to file a lien against the land and against the owner. Late interest starts to accrue 30 days after the invoices are sent out at the prescribed rate of 12% per annum. The cost of collection, including certified letters, attorney fees, and the lien, are added to the delinquent amount.
Why aren’t the streets plowed better when it snows?
The Meadows is in the Williston city limits and the City is responsible for keeping the streets clear. Snow removal is prioritized on major streets and in front of schools, then residential areas are covered. We believe the cost of contracting as the HOA to step in for the City would be prohibitively expensive, but if it is something the residents feel strongly enough about to increase dues accordingly, it can be considered.
Why can’t I keep my boat/camper/garbage can in front of my home?
In acquiring a property in The Meadows, homeowners subject themselves to the CCRs for the neighborhood. Some find those rules overly restrictive and would be happy to have some or all of the above in front of every house. Others chose to live in The Meadows exactly because these things are not in front of any house.
What if I have a complaint about another homeowner who is not in compliance with the CCRs?
We don’t enjoy telling people what they can or cannot do on their own property, but will enforce the CCRs when they are violated. Please call us at (701)713-4847, or write an email to [email protected]. We do need to know who is complaining, but will not share that information when we notify the resident violating the rules and ask that they come into compliance.